Are you burned out on religion?
Come and learn about the grace of God.
Are you ashamed or uncertain about things you’ve done?
Come meet one who counted a schemer, murderer and home-wrecker as one of his closest friends.
Are you tired of rules and regulations?
Come learn about the one who created puppies, kittens, flowers and zebras.
Do you doubt and have questions?
So do I! Come learn about the God who embraces doubters.
Are you mad at God?
Come learn about a God who weeps, who mourns, who yearns, who courts, who loves, and who is broken hearted.
Are you sick or tired?
Come and enter the rest of God.
Are you uncomfortable with church and religion?
Come and meet people with “dirty hands and faces” who are reaching for God the best way they know how.
Do you think God isn’t there, or isn’t paying attention anymore?
Come see how everything he says comes true. Come see what he’s said about our future.
Are you lonely?
Come and meet the sacrificing lover who offers unbroken love that lasts forever.
Do you wonder if this is all there is? Do you know in your heart that this is all wrong?
Come meet the one who offers living water and the bread of life. Come meet the one who loves you and gave his life for you, to invite you into his love, his life, and his rest.
Are you certain that you don’t need God in your life?
Are you sure? Come and see…
Places where people like you and me are seeking God
Covenant Church, Arlington, MA
West Church, Haverhill, MA
Middleton Congregational Church, Middleton, MA
CrossBend Christian Church, Plano, TX
Large churches that are good churches
Free Christian Church, Andover, MA
Grace Chapel, Lexington, MA
Ministries & Resources
OnePlace.com Ministry Listing
First Loved Ministries
Bible Gateway
Emmanuel Gospel Center, Boston, MA